*All Non UK
(Foreign) passport holders MUST provide original visa
(permission to stay in UK) which must have at least 6 months leave
remaining. All passports must be machine readable.
* All European passport
holders MUST provide 1 original proof of address
(bank statement / utility bill/ council tax).
Must be machine readable and require 1 proof of Pic ID
* All European passport
holders MUST provide 1 original proof of address
(bank statement / utility bill/ council tax).
Must be machine readable and require 1 proof of Pic ID
*For anyone who holds
passport issued in the last 5 years MUST provide old passport (in case
of lost passport police report will need to be submitted if not
available then Statutory Declaration). This is to verify if you have
performed hajj in the last 5 years
*It is only possible for men to travel
on hajj again within the 5 year period if you are travelling as a
mahram of female who has not competed hajj before.